
If you have photos of anyone or the neighborhood please send them and I will post them. 

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JACK_BREEN__JOEY_ARCHER.jpg (139662 bytes)
Joey Archer
groupTuxes.jpg (21832 bytes)
Singing Group
George Balcom, Larry Wagner, Chip Cunningham, Vinny Rooney

BarrettEilienTom.jpg (46300 bytes)

Eileen & Tom Barrett

Submitted by Irene Reynolds

Barrets.jpg (30800 bytes)
Eileen & Tommy Barret
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
CoyleGildeaLester2.jpg (38021 bytes)
Eddy Coyle, Irene Gildea, Jimmy Lester
Submitted by Irene Reynolds
GearyBob.jpg (58586 bytes)
Bob Geary, ?
Submitted by Irene Reynolds
GildeasCoyles.jpg (55942 bytes)

Gildeas - Coyles

Submitted by Irene Reynolds

GildeaJohnIrene.jpg (78451 bytes)
John, Irene Gildea
Submitted by Irene Reynolds

GildeaSisters.jpg (57219 bytes)

Catherine (Gildea) Cronon, Patricia (Gildea) Doyle, Lorna Callan, Irene (Gildea) Reynolds

Submitted by Irene Reynolds


BrennanEdPam.jpg (37729 bytes)
Pamela (Horn) & Ed Brennan
Submitted by Pam Brennan

RandallSusie.jpg (31416 bytes)

Susie Randall

Submitted by Irene Reynolds

RappLynMarilyn.jpg (31671 bytes)

Lynn & Marilyn Rapp

Submitted by Irene Reynolds

SavageMillie.jpg (45050 bytes)
Millie Savage
Submitted by Irene Reynolds
McKeonRandall.jpg (53225 bytes)
Frank Reynolds, Mike Mckeon, Joe Randall
Submitted by Irene Reynolds
GroupGirls.jpg (37910 bytes)
Submitted by Kay Derrig
procession54.jpg (59688 bytes)
Submitted by Kay Derrig
procession54-2.jpg (50325 bytes)
Submitted by Kay Derrig
Cunninghams.jpg (44485 bytes)
Pam & Chip Cunningham
Tara's 3/2/02
Group3-2-2002.jpg (64441 bytes)
Tara's 3/2/02
LongJimKathy.jpg (49200 bytes)
Jimmy & Kathy Long
Tara's 3/2/02
MarilynRenee.jpg (58083 bytes)
Mayilyn (Rapp) Graham
Renee (Corcoran) Neff
Tara's 3/2/02
NeffPeteRenee.jpg (63227 bytes)
Pete & Renee (Corcoran) Neff
Tara's 3/2/02
ReaddingGeorgeChris.jpg (50649 bytes)
Chris & George Readding
Tara's 3/2/02


ReynoldsF-I.jpg (53857 bytes)
Irene (Gildea) & Frank Reynolds
Tara's 3/2/02
GrahamRoberts.jpg (51533 bytes)
Butch Graham & Joey Roberts
Tara's 3/2/02
JudyPamChip.jpg (44256 bytes)
Judy Roberts, Pam Cunningham, Chip Cunningham
Tara's 3/2/02
GuerinBertini.jpg (39948 bytes)
Jim Guerin & Maria Bertini
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
Proscias.jpg (27103 bytes)
Rita & Tommy Proscia
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
VelentineProscia.jpg (38297 bytes)
Ray Valentine & Tommy Proscia
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
CrespoGenetMekeland.jpg (28169 bytes)
Sonia Crespo, Dorothy Genet, Joy Mekeland.
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
SSPP1STGDE1948.jpg (33250 bytes)
SSPP First Grade
Submitted by Jim Manning
SummerCamp.jpg (21943 bytes)
Salvation Army Summer Camp
    Submitted by Jim Manning
Reunion1.jpg (55472 bytes)
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo, Rita Priscia, Dorothy Genet, Joey Proscia, Rita (Schnell) Clemente, Tommy Proscia
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
SchnellGenetMekeland.jpg (41937 bytes)
Rita (Schnell) Clemente, Dorothy Genet, Joy (Mekeland) Colombo, 
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
DevlinMsgJoy.jpg (34334 bytes)
Peggy Devlin, Monsignor MacDonagh, Joy Mekeland
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo
GroupJoy.jpg (25963 bytes)
Janet Proscia, Tommy Hooten, Susan Gartland, Kathleen Mahoney, Tommy Proscia, Raymond Gartland, Robert Lacour,  Dorothy Genet, Joy Mekeland, Peggy Devlin, back row – Rose F., Tommy Aitken, Karen Rath,  Ann Mcdonagh, Phyllis Jurkewitz
GroupJoy2.jpg (29761 bytes)
James Devlin, Patsy Jarwoski, Robert Hughes, Peggy Devlin, Joy Mekeland, Ann McDonagh, Ellen Jarwoski, Geraldine Jarwoski, Christina ?.  
GroupGym.jpg (38487 bytes)
SSPP Gym C.1947
Back Row: Joan Farrell, Catherine Ferraro ????
Middle Row: ? Pat Malloy Catherine McElligott
Bottom Row: ?? Mary McElligott,?, B. Coyle, 
Submitted by Joan (Farrell) Nicholson
MekelandProscia.jpg (28021 bytes)
Mary Mekeland, Janet Proscia
Submitted by 
Joy (Mekeland) Colombo

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