
If you have photos of anyone or the neighborhood please send them and I will post them. 

Click image for a larger view








Places (1)


E 157th ST
From Top(5th)Floor 745 Brook Ave
EBLINGS Brewery In Background
Photo Taken By Gertrude Gunn
Image From Anne Gunn-Bauer


750 HEGNEY(German) PLACE
Image Provided By


422 E 159th ST
Image Provided By


413, 415, 417, 421 East 159th St.
Image Provided By

162nd ST & BROOK AVE
Taken From GRASSO's Bar & Grill
images4/PMCK0007.jpg (24166 bytes)
Taken From Roof
435 E. 160th St
Looking Towards 159th St
158th & Elton Ave
Looking East Towards
3rd Ave EL; Brook Ave; Hegney Place
Circa 1954
Looking From 159th & Washington Ave
Toward Brook Ave & Brooks Bros Furn
Circa 1956
Church.jpg (53142 bytes)
The Church
8/29/96 Catholic News
Father Resta


The Public Bath House
156th & Elton Ave
Image provided by
Jerry McKenna


156Elton.jpg (59828 bytes)
156th Elton Today.
Red house is where the bath house was.
Submitted by Jim Manning

CandyStore156EltonNWCorner.jpg (8907 bytes)

Ester's Candy Store
156th & Elton
image provided by 
Jim Manning

163-3rd.jpg (45353 bytes)

163rd & Third Avenue


149th-melrose.jpg (49112 bytes)
Melrose & Third
at 149th St


willis149.jpg (90939 bytes)
Willis Ave & 138th Street


161st-3rd.jpg (61296 bytes)
161st & Third Avenue
Looking from St. Ann's Ave.


elbing's.jpg (24242 bytes)
image provided by 
Jerry McKenna


r17-6588.jpg (125442 bytes)
El Station at Yankee Stadium
image provided by


bxw-3rd149-03.jpg (83933 bytes)
3rd Ave-149St
image provided by


161st-melrose.jpg (56602 bytes)

161st & Melrose Ave


bxp-brook-01.jpg (102845 bytes)
Brook Ave
image provided by


161Macombs.jpg (37216 bytes)

161 St. by

 Macombs Dam Park

boston3rd.jpg (36637 bytes)

Boston Road &

Third Avenue

Fordam.jpg (51025 bytes)

Fordham Road

FordamConcourse.jpg (73150 bytes)

Fordham Road &
Grand Concourse
42 Precinct

melrose152.jpg (75541 bytes)

Melrose & 152nd St.

159th-3rd.jpg (44867 bytes)
159th & 3rd Avenue
Note corner of 42Pct. on left


WhiteCastle.jpg (27777 bytes)
White Castle
concoursePlaza.jpg (37949 bytes)
Concourse Plaza Hotel
stadium.jpg (55771 bytes)
Yankee Stadium Opening Day
April 19, 1923
rko.jpg (67626 bytes)
RKO Royal 1929
Westchester Ave.
ChurchWeeds.jpg (50474 bytes)
SSPP Church
Without Cremmins
stickball.jpg (38978 bytes)
Stick Ball
160th & Elton
Taken from apartment over Maldeckers
Submitted by Jerry McKenna
church2.jpg (110290 bytes)
The Church
map.jpg (120942 bytes)
Map 1920s
TomS.jpg (73654 bytes)
Tom's Candy Store Today
160th & Elton
Submitted by Jim Manning
CourtHouse.jpg (73800 bytes)
Old Court House Today
Submitted by Jim Manning
Ps38.jpg (99348 bytes)
PS 38 Today
Submitted by Jim Manning
StAdelberts.jpg (100908 bytes)
St Adelberts Today
Submitted by Jim Manning
cauldwell.jpg (41212 bytes)
Cauldwell Ave looking South From 163rd St.
Submitted by Marty Finucane
convent.jpg (40721 bytes)
SSPP Convent Cauldwell Ave
Submitted by Marty Finucane
159-15.jpg (47968 bytes)
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-12.jpg (37022 bytes)
159th St
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-2.jpg (48625 bytes)
South side of 159th between Courtlandt & Melrose
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-0.jpg (52516 bytes)
South side of 159th between Courtlandt & Melrose
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-1.jpg (50555 bytes)
"The Carter" 364 E. 159th  on the SE corner of Cortlandt
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-11.jpg (38177 bytes)
Looking towards the NW corner of 158th & Courtlandt
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-10.jpg (46448 bytes)
159th & Courtlandt looking North
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-8.jpg (54887 bytes)
St Adalbert's School
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-7.jpg (49342 bytes)
St. Adalbert's Church
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-4.jpg (47662 bytes)
159th between Merose & Courtlandt looking West
Submitted by Marie Iovino
159-3.jpg (39730 bytes)
159th & Courtlandt looking East
Submitted by Marie Iovino
156thStation.jpeg.jpg (72432 bytes)
156 St El Station
161st.jpeg.jpg (58585 bytes)
161st & Third
42Pct.jpeg.jpg (50867 bytes)
42nd Precinct
El156th.jpeg.jpg (68871 bytes)
156 St. El Stairs
Embassy.jpeg.jpg (44742 bytes)
Embassy Ballroom
McCombsDamBridge.jpeg.jpg (35185 bytes)
McCombs Dam Bridge
SheffieldWebsterAve.jpeg.jpg (43125 bytes)
Sheffield Dairy
Webster & 166th


ThroggsNeck.jpeg.jpg (26918 bytes)
Throggs Neck Bridge
YMCA.jpg (24244 bytes)
Submitted by Rita Clemente
mi1.jpg (26527 bytes)
158th & Melrose looking North
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi2.jpg (27631 bytes)
NW Corner 158th & Melrose Looking East
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi3.jpg (26220 bytes)
159th St. looking east from Melrose
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi4.jpg (23149 bytes)
159th & Melrose looking West
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi5.jpg (25290 bytes)
159th & Melrose looking North
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi6.jpg (25822 bytes)
Looking East along 145th St from St. Pius Church
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi7.jpg (28833 bytes)
St Pius V Church 413 East 145th
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi8.jpg (25111 bytes)
St Pius HS
Third & 147th
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi9.jpg (21105 bytes)
SW Corner Melrose & 155rd
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi10.jpg (31496 bytes)
Melrose & 155rd looking West
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi11.jpg (26615 bytes)
155th & Melrose Looking South
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi12.jpg (25889 bytes)
NW Corner 158th & Melrose lookin North
Submitted by Marie Iovino
mi13.jpg (23530 bytes)
East Side of Melrose between 157th & 158th
Submitted by Marie Iovino
11.jpg (27825 bytes)
512 & 510 East 163rd St
April 26, 2003
10.jpg (32334 bytes)
Third Ave Looking North From 161st & St Anns
April 26, 2003
9.jpg (29506 bytes)
St Anns Looking South from 161st
8.jpg (31610 bytes)
161st Looking East at Eagle Ave Bridge
April 26, 2003
7.jpg (31325 bytes)
Court House 161st
April 26, 2003
6.jpg (56429 bytes)
Flynn Park
April 26, 2003
5.jpg (40761 bytes)
Flynn Park
April 26, 2003
4.jpg (25524 bytes)
42nd Precinct - SSPP School & Church
April 26, 2003
3.jpg (34620 bytes)
454 East 160th St.
April 26, 2003
2.jpg (27679 bytes)
Former Embasy Ballroom
April 26, 2003
1.jpg (23701 bytes)
El Station 161st St. at Yankee Stadium
April 26, 2003
P1010003.jpg (63180 bytes)
Macoombs Dam Park
April 26, 2003
P1010009.jpg (75365 bytes)
160th St looking East
April 26, 2003
brook.jpg (18887 bytes)
Brook Ave looking north towards SSPP
Submitted by Joan Hamorsky
149&Morris1902.jpg (28783 bytes)
149th & Morris Ave.  1902
1902149&Morris.jpg (25581 bytes)
149th & Morris Ave.  1902
1903Kingsbridge.jpg (24622 bytes)
Kingsbridge Rd. 1903
542East149th1901.jpg (31425 bytes)
524 East 149th St.  1901
Brook&WestchesterlookingSt.Anns.jpg (32988 bytes)
Brook, westchester, St. Anns Aves.
SubwaySt.AnnsAve1903.jpg (32118 bytes)
El at St. Anns Ave.
TerraceViewAv.&Kingsbridge1902.jpg (34867 bytes)
Terrace View & Kingsbridge  1902
Westchester&St.AnnsAves1903.jpg (33616 bytes)
Westchester & St.Anns Aves.1903
1912 149 St Walton.jpg (30742 bytes)
Walton Ave 1912
1912282-6W138St.jpg (14011 bytes)
282-6 W 138 St  1912
1912Bronx284W138.jpg (24168 bytes)
284 W 138th St 1912
1931PoePark.jpg (103008 bytes)
Poe Park
1971BurnsideAveSubway.jpg (56188 bytes)
Burnsude Ave. El
376E138.jpg (19697 bytes)
376 E 138th St
Brook&141Steet.jpg (148209 bytes)
Brook & 141st St
Eas138StreetandAlexander.jpg (155158 bytes)
138th & Alexander
yank38a.jpg (60864 bytes)
Yankee Stadium Oct.8,1958
1223RiverAvenue1917.jpg (28223 bytes)
1223 River Ave 1917
138thStreetLookingTowardThird.jpg (121049 bytes)
138th St Looking toward Third Ave.
149th&Morris.jpg (26812 bytes)
149th & Morris Ave
149thSt.jpg (184807 bytes)
149th St.
149thStreetGerardandWaltonAve.jpg (124146 bytes)
149th & Gerard Ave
1906suffragettes.jpg (119796 bytes)
1906 Suffragettes
1917 Walton Ave.jpg (53537 bytes)
Walton Ave. 1917


1924WestFarms.jpg (67307 bytes)
West Farms 1924
East149th1901.jpg (24166 bytes)
149th St.  1901
ElSubwayatSt.Anns&Westchester.jpg (35880 bytes)
St. Anns & Westchester
epters.jpg (29832 bytes)
Fall1930VanCortlandtParkTrolley.jpg (27257 bytes)
Van Cortlandt Park Trolley
Fall1930VanCortlandtParkTrolley2.jpg (35620 bytes)
Van Cortlandt Park Trolley
Mott&149th.jpg (52322 bytes)
Mott Ave & 149th St.
Prospect&177th1900.jpg (34449 bytes)
Prospect & 177th St. 1900
TRIBOROUGHBRIDGE.jpg (36731 bytes)
Triborough Bridge
WestchesterAvenue1920.jpg (26394 bytes)
Westchester Ave. 1920
WillisAvenue E138th Street1913.jpg (28405 bytes)
Willis Ave & 138th St.
1906BostonPostRda.jpg (31494 bytes)
Boston Rd. 1906
jahns.jpg (50978 bytes)
Jahn's Ice Cream Parlor
If you lived in the Bronx from the early 1950's through the 1970's, then you MUST recall this famous ice cream parlour located on Kingsbridge Road. You may have brought a favorite date here after a movie, and more often then not, you would run into some of your friends enjoying the tremendous variety of ice cream concoctions that they served. The most popular item on the menu that could be shared by a dozen people was the KITCHEN SINK which consisted of no less than 32 scoops of ice cream. Back in the 50's you'd pay about $6.00 for it. Today, the same item costs close to $40! Times have certainly changed since then but your memories of Jahn's will be with you forever.
1936ys.jpg (15421 bytes)
1936 - 161st St. In front of the stadium
1953token.jpg (27030 bytes)

1953 Subway Token


298MottAv1912.jpg (30843 bytes)

298 Mott Ave  1912

East149th1901.jpg (24166 bytes)

East 149th Street 1901


825WaltonAve.jpg (22890 bytes)

824 Walton Ave

abomb.jpg (52612 bytes) abomb1.jpg (49519 bytes) abomb2.jpg (36679 bytes)
Alex&henry's.jpg (17821 bytes) alexanders2.jpg (24874 bytes) AP.jpg (65979 bytes) AP2.jpg (68725 bytes)
Bikes.jpg (43164 bytes) Bronx Beach and Pool Club at 42 East 177 Street.jpg (38524 bytes)

Bronx Beach & Pool Club

BronxRiverInn.jpg (59603 bytes)

Bronx River Inn

brucknerExpressway.jpg (109393 bytes)

Bruckner Ezpressway Construction 1960s

bus.jpg (17219 bytes) concours.jpg (38978 bytes)

Grand Concourse

CullensCoalCompanyandWestchesterSquare.jpg (114733 bytes)

Cullen's Coal Company Westchester Square

1914SouthernBlvd.jpg (24562 bytes)

1914 Southern Blvd

1924Southern&westchester.jpg (22532 bytes)

Southern Blvd & Westchester 1924

BXRiverInn.jpg (71305 bytes)

Bronx River Inn

Eblings.jpg (21377 bytes)


ElTeriminus.jpg (18239 bytes)

IRT Terminus

fredomland.jpg (30169 bytes)

Freedom Land

fredomland2.jpg (20587 bytes)


fredomland3.jpg (20310 bytes)


Jerome1909.jpg (63890 bytes)

Jerome Ave 1909

jobcorp.jpg (24995 bytes)

Job Corps

jobcorp2.jpg (20967 bytes)

Job Corps

Monroe.jpg (70880 bytes) MorrisAve1915.jpg (30667 bytes)

Morris Ave. 1915

Nurse.gif (154417 bytes) Lieutenant Commander Dorothy Ryan checks the medical chart of Marine Corporal Roy Hadaway of Calera, Alabama aboard the hospital ship USS repose off South Vietnam. Miss Ryan, from Bronx, New York is one of 29 nurses aboard the hospital ship selected from 500 volunteers of the Navy Nurse Corps., 04/22/1966 


Sanitation-Workers-Marijuan1965.jpg (77932 bytes)

Sanitation Workers removing Pot plants from lot on !65th & Third

Theresa&Princess.jpg (16550 bytes)

On the afternoon of June 18, 1997, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa met in New York City . Mother Teresa was the Calcutta nun known as " the saint of the gutters" and winner of the 1979 Nobel Pease Prize. They met in a grim brick building on East 145th Street in a poverty - stricken area of the Bronx known as Mott Haven.This is where Mother Teresa houses Missionaries of Charity.They were both very much concerned about the poor.

Sunshine.jpg (17195 bytes) ThirdTrolley.jpg (20550 bytes)

Third Ave. Trolley

trolley.jpg (19845 bytes) trolley175StreetandCrotonaParkway.jpg (126508 bytes)

Trolley 175th & Crotona

trolley2.jpg (47416 bytes) WhitePlains RdTrolley2.jpg (189106 bytes)

White Plains Rd. Trolley

WhitestoneConstruction3.jpg (18002 bytes)

Whitestone Bridge Construction

WhitestoneConstruction2.jpg (18185 bytes)

Whitestone Bridge Construction


WhitestoneConstruction1.jpg (21221 bytes)

Whitestone Bridge Construction


worldfront.jpg (22997 bytes) worldinside.jpg (79910 bytes)


1940World Fair Ticket

1953Childrens Zoo.jpg (81056 bytes)

Childrens Zoo Entrance

149&third1910.jpg (15254 bytes)

149th & Third 1910

149th.jpg (17444 bytes)

149th & Third 1910

mott.jpg (131204 bytes)

Mott Ave 1917

PostRoad&East179thSt1903.jpg (25265 bytes)

Post Road & 179th  1901

SimpsonEl.jpg (184298 bytes)

Simpson St. El

TELCOSTRIKE167THST1947.jpg (29256 bytes)

Telephone Co. Strike  167th St.  1947

waves1944.jpg (27861 bytes)

WAVES training 1944

woolworth.jpg (39550 bytes)

Woolworth Washington Ave

149th.jpg (25624 bytes)

149th St.  1918

woolworth2.jpg (42619 bytes)


ysopendat1925.jpg (79732 bytes)

Yankee Stadium Opening Day 1925

westfarms.jpg (86382 bytes)

West Farms

149thBridge2.jpg (27947 bytes)

149th St.  1918

149thBridge.jpg (29053 bytes)

149th St.  1918

149thBridge3.jpg (20820 bytes)

149th St.  1918

xxxx.jpg (56330 bytes)


1953Deer.jpg (74649 bytes)

Bronx Zoo

1953Elephant.jpg (92886 bytes)

Bronx Zoo

1953Seals.jpg (99758 bytes)

Bronx Zoo

1953zoo.jpg (95844 bytes)

Bronx Zoo

1959Bronx732StAnnsAvGlazier.jpg (17154 bytes)

732 St. Anns & 159th

1959E172Bronx.jpg (20775 bytes)

172 St.  1959

1960.jpg (15746 bytes)

1960 ( do you know this building)

1960BronxRt1A.jpg (14788 bytes)

1960 ( do you know this building)


1960's Jarvis and Buhre Ave
Pelham Bay Area
Submitted: Thomas McCormick)

233rd&webster.jpg (18832 bytes)

233rd & Webster

314bronxttremontrain.jpg (170283 bytes)

Four Views

314santenstorage.jpg (194819 bytes)
54.jpg (18314 bytes)

New York's Finest

a49th1918.jpg (22007 bytes)

149th St 1918

Broadway238th242nd Str254th.jpg (32657 bytes)

Broadway & 238th St

Broadway238th242nd Str254th.jpg (32657 bytes)

Broadway & 238th St


Broadway238th242nd Str254th3.jpg (32778 bytes)

Broadway & 238th St


Eagle&Westchester1950.jpg (29326 bytes)

Eagle & Westchester

PS79.jpg (62582 bytes)

Ps 79

ebling2.jpg (46022 bytes)

Wm & Philip Ebling opened their brewery in 1868 and it closed it doors in 1950. It was situated on St Anne's Ave in the Bronx, New York.


Ebling3.jpg (45113 bytes) ebling 7.jpg (34341 bytes)
ebling9.jpg (29617 bytes) Ebling5.jpg (16328 bytes) ebling8.jpg (41429 bytes)

William's Bridge

switchingcarsatBronx.jpg (64795 bytes) terminal.jpg (62709 bytes)

Bronx Terminal Market

Westchester&Southern.jpg (22532 bytes)

Westchester & Southern Blvd.

Willis&147th1910.jpg (23557 bytes)

Wills $ 147th St.  1910

woolworth.jpg (37298 bytes)


xzvier.jpg (54217 bytes)

St. Frances Xavier

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